Are you have a kitsune spirit?

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Kitsunes, a legendary fox with two to. I've tails. Each number of tails mean the strength and power of the kitsune. They are normally known as nine tailed foxes and stuff like that.

This quiz will tell you the exact answer to "do you have a kitsune spirit?". With the questions so simple... But so helpful. You wil find the answer in only twelve questions. Enjoy!

Created by: KleineDragon
  1. Do you like foxes?
  2. Do you feel like you can hear sounds above where your ears usually are?
  3. Do you feel like you have a tail, or even feel a tail brush past you?
  4. Do you have visions of foxes with multiple tails or have dreams of them?
  5. If you had a kitsune spirit (nine tailed fox spirit). What element would it have?
  6. Do you dislike wolves or coyotes?
  7. Do you like night or day?
  8. Do you own a dog? Is it a husky or German shepherd?
  9. What does the fox say?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Am I have a kitsune spirit?