Are you good or evil | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you good or evil.

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  • Aimi got:You Are /Realy/ Evil. Well, Aimi couldn't agree more. Oh! And Aimi IS a Demon, not acting like one. Also, who WOULDN'T want to rule the planet?! Earth is just full of weakling Humans, if Aimi was ruler of earth she would destroy ALL Humans! They are just SO pathetic and useless! And its spelt "Really".

  • Your Result: You are rather bad.

    You wear rather dark clothes and listen to music like rock and punk rock. You don't like other people very much. Sometimes you want to be alone. You lie often but you are not very dishonest.

    You are good.
    You are rather good.
    You are an angel.
    You are bad man.
    You are realy evil.

    Puppy xo1
  • okay quiz...

  • good quiz.


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