Are You Genderfluid? | Comments

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  • In the past Ive been comfortable identifying a girl. I like wearing both masculine and feminine clothing. But I was watching a movie with two guy making out and I couldnt help wanting to be a guy in that situation. And today I woke up and felt the need to wear my brother clothes and cologne. Idk if I like being masc or if Im gender fluid

    • You have no idea how much I relate to this on a spiritual level, especially the part about watching a movie with a gay couple and wanting to be like that, Im still figuring things out and I cant help feeling scared sometimes

  • I had this speaker at school that's supposed to tell us about relationships, communication, abuse, etc. We were on the part that was "Different Types of Genders". I didn't know what I was before, I felt like a male some days and a female others. Once I found out about this gender fluid thing, I started feeling confused. Am I a boy or am I a girl? This quiz has helped out a lot, thank you!

  • Ive always been comfortable with being female but whenever i see guys interacting, being friends, i cant help but want to be a guy or have that same relationship with my friends. Im not sure if its just my friends not being that type of affectionate or im wanting to be a guy. But i also like being a girl. Im conflicted

  • I've been pretty comfortable identifying as a girl until recently. I still don't hate it, but I've also been seeing movies and reading books (mostly romance lol) where I've felt like in that situation I'd be saying and doing the stuff the male was doing. When I did the Little Mermaid with my school, I kept joking with the guy that played Eric that I was going to steal his role because I wanted so badly to sing all that romantic crap (Her Voice, One Step Closer) and be the sentimental one. And now sometimes when I look at my body it doesn't feel right like it used to. I also really like wearing ties and slacks as dress clothes and hate dresses. but at the same time, I love high heeled boots and leggings. When I met a kid at the park he didn't know whether I was a girl or boy and that made me really happy. it also kinda made me annoyed when he assumed I was a girl. But I also would've been annoyed if he assumed I was boy. is this genderfluid or more like agender/non-binary?

  • I am rather confused about my gender. I am thinking demifluid, because I feel like a girl most of the time and sometimes I feel more masculine, yet still feminine and its a bit odd. I also dont think about it whenever someone uses male pronouns to refer to me, and this quiz didnt really help since I got the same percent of yes and no.

  • I never really felt is if gender applied to me.

    I was assigned female at birth, but never truly knew what it meant to be female.

    I believe am genderfluid and/or nonbinary.

    I just never feel anything in regards to that, but there are days that I want to wear dresses, other days in which I want to wear suits or even a combination of both.

    Nova like novas
    • *I meant to state anything in regards of gender.

      Nova like novas
  • Are You Genderfluid?
    Your Result: Yes! 78%

    Congratulations, you are genderfluid! If you don't know what this means, it means that sometimes you feel like one gender, such as female, and others as another gender, such as male! Remember, your gender identity is not the same as your biological sex.


    • I always thought I was close to genderfluid. I identify as demiboyflux (obviously, if you saw the username).

  • Hello tis I a random asexual genderfluid lesbian! Ok so this test was good and accurate! So if youre reading this Im now your sibling here to fight off bullies for you! Your welcome! So congrats now you have a cool sibling whos name is Cloud!

    Yes my name is C
  • Hello everyone! I was very confused about my gender because I often feel like I am a boy, but sometimes I feel like I am a girl. Only today I found out that "gender fluid" exists. Thanks a lot. This helped me to understand myself better

  • The results werent very well-written. Let it be known: you cannot rely on a quiz to tell you your gender identity, nor your sexuality! It may help you to think more and may open up new questions and ideas, but it cannot tell you with full certainty.

    The same goes for anyone replying to people saying you are [insert gender or sexuality here]. No one else can decide or tell you. You have to discover yourself on your own terms. That doesnt mean you cant get help, it just means that no one can tell you what your gender or sexuality is.

  • I use to not understand what "feeling like a gender" mean but i'm kind of strarting to understand ? Maybe it's because i'm genderfluid and feel like different gender, icluding nonbinary. I think that's why but i'm still confuse

  • Im really confused, I like feminine and masculine things and clothes I love dressing up but when it comes to my gender I dont know I want to look more masculine and I want a deeper voice and I want to have less feminine features but I dont mind being born female.

  • How do I know if you are qualified to give me the correct answer with this quiz? It wasnt very well set out, and I felt confused answering it

  • I'm just confused about my gender because sometimes I feel like a girl and other times I'm nonbinary. I think I might be genderfluid but I'm not 100% sure yet.

    • You might be a demigirl - It's kind of like a mix of nonbinary and female.

  • I really don't know what I am. I cringe at female pronouns and I'm fine with male pronouns, but I dont want a dick. I'm okay with having a female body but sometimes I just want a f---ing binder. Ive been identifying as Non-Binary for a while but lately it doesn't really fit. I've never identified as Genderfluid because my friend is and I don't want to seem fake or anything. I don't really 'switch' genders persay. I really don't know how to explain it. At this point I know I'm not cis or transgender.

  • Help, what does it mean to want to be gay being both genders, but also want hetero relationships being both genders. Yes my username is quite true and Ive been vv confused and I need someone to explain how all of this works

  • I got hella confused when they asked you your gender in both the quiz and when registering in GoToQuiz-

    "MaLe Or FeMaLe?"
    Oh dang, I didn't know-
    Also I got a yes-

    • duh if you were confused then you are gender-fluid.i got a yes too

      I am genderFluid
  • I been feeling like I’m genderfluid and thinking I’m genderfluid for awhile (assigned female at birth) sometimes i feel like a boy sometimes I feel like a girl sometimes I feel like neither I was thinking I am for months before I came out to anyone and then I came out to like 3 people it was only people I knew wouldn’t care and would support me I’m still not out to everyone only 3 people and I’m scared to tell anyone else and plus Ik people at school would bully me if they found out and just to be clear IM NOT SURE IF I AM GENDER FLUID OR NOT WHEN I TOLD THOSE PEOPLE I SAID I THINK IM GENDERFLUID but I probably am

  • im genderfluid but i test your quiz and it say im not but im genderfluid

  • My results told me I am most definetly genderfluid, but I never feel like a male, does that still count as genderfluid? I NEED to know, pls help

    Traumatized Box
  • Please update this quiz. There is a question that is repeated twice, and on another question that asks sexual orientation please change "homosexual" to "gay". "Homosexual" is an umbrella term that covers both gays and lesbians, and can sometimes have negative connotation. Thank you for your consideration to make this quiz a better experience.

  • Am I still gender fluid if I feel male more often than female

  • I think I'm bigender or polygender maybe genderflud (I might be a xrogender do you guys support me?)

    Yeet land
  • I am genderfluid. I've known for years, but when I took this test it confirmed it!

    • I was born Female, but at the age of ten I started waking up and feeling either more masculine or feminine

  • Great to know I am! Now I have to wait till I graduate High school which cant come sooner


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