Are you fat or skinny?

This quiz I intended to show you if your fat or skinny. Don't take any of it to heart. After all, I'm not a doctor, it's just my opinion. I think other peoples fat quizes were fun so I decided to make my own!:)

Hey, this is a hint! The last question DOES affect your overall score, so choose wisely! This took a reeeeaaally long time to make so I hope you enjoy it!

Created by: Bhsoccer
  1. When standing, can u see your feet?
  2. Can you see your ribs?
  3. When sitting, how many fat rolls do you have?
  4. When walking, do your legs rub?
  5. Do you have abs?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. How often do u exercise?
  8. How many meals do u eat including snacks?
  9. You eat until...
  10. You were ____ sized pants
  11. You've grown out of _____ of your closet
  12. People tell you your
  13. Could u lend ur clothes to your 11 year old cousins?
  14. How much do you weigh?
  15. How many calories do you eat daily?
  16. Do you like to binge eat?
  17. When trying on clothes and something doesn't fit, you say...
  18. What kind of bathing suit do you wear?
  19. Do you think the maker of this quiz is...

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Quiz topic: Am I fat or skinny?