Are you fat or skinny

there probaly alot of people who like this test but if you like it thanks for taking it realy.This just means alot.This just popped in my head and i didnt know it was so good

have you gotten fat or skinny you probaly have and thanks so much for taking it means alot.Dont be sad if i hurt your feelings i just wanted to see are you fat or skinny.

Created by: ian
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many times do you eat a day
  2. What do you drink mostly
  3. What food group do you mostly eat
  4. Where do you eat
  5. How much do you pay when you go out
  6. Your favorite thing to eat
  7. What do you see in food
  8. Do you get fat or skinny after you eat
  9. How did you feel after this quiz
  10. Did you get your feelings hurt

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Quiz topic: Am I fat or skinny