Are you Eevee or Pikachu?

Hello! Everyone who knows about Pokémon should know about these .Pokémon, Eevee and Pikachu. Have you ever wondered what Pokémon you are? You came to the right place.

Eevee and Pikachu are both super popular. It doesn’t matter what you get. They are both awesome, and great! They’re fun, cute, and smiling. If you’ve caught them, great!

Created by: Natalie
  1. What color do you like?
  2. What is your personality?
  3. What would your dream breakfast be?
  4. What would your dream Eevee evolution be?
  5. And your dream Starter Alolan Pokémon?
  6. What is your dream move?
  7. Your dream power:
  8. What can you not live without?
  9. What Prodigy pet do you want?
  10. What Pokémon do you want to get(no effect)?

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Quiz topic: Am I Eevee or Pikachu?
