Are you crazy or How are you crazy!

Take this quiz to see how crazy you are or if your not crazy see if all these years people called you crazy was true or not. To be crazy this may be of a couple really crazy answers.

Do people call you crazy and you think you are not well find out with this test. You may be crazy but only with certain reasons and answers. So be careful of what you put down.

Created by: mary
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you do in your free time?
  2. What kind of animal do you have as a pet?
  3. Do you say ASAP or as soon as possible?
  4. Do you party every Friday night or almost every Friday night?
  5. What do you sleep with?
  6. What type of flower do you like?
  7. What shape do you like better?
  8. Girls: What type of bathing suit do you wear?
  9. Which would you rather ride in the dessert?
  10. What is better?

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Quiz topic: Am I crazy or How am I crazy!