Which Pensacolian Are You?

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Pensacola. We're a unique blend of crazy. But we're proud of our crazy. By the way, if you're not from Pensacola, don't be calling us crazy. Down here, we Party Down South, we just don't want any of ya'll to know about it.

Pensacola is a sea port on Pensacola Bay, which connects to the Gulf of Mexico. The area was originally inhabited by Muskogean peoples. Pensacola Bay was the site of Spanish explorer Tristán de Luna's short-lived settlement in 1559. Fast forward and we're the City of Five Flags ya'll.

Created by: Pelican
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see someone painting graffiti on a bridge. What would you do?
  2. You're in the mood for karaoke. Where do you go?
  3. Its Gallery Night. Your plans definitely include what?
  4. Everyone knows this is the best place in town for breakfast?
  5. When you hear Roll Tide Roll what are you thinking?
  6. You accidentally say something foolish. How do you recover?
  7. If you could make any store open in Pensacola, it would be.
  8. What was the best event in town over the past few years.
  9. What side of town is your favorite?
  10. You're forced to pick something up from Wal-Mart, where would you go?

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Quiz topic: Which Pensacolian am I?