are you cool smart or a werdo

there are many differnt types of people in the world which one are you first i want to thank you for taking the time look at what i am going to say soo

are you cool like obama, smart like instein or are you a werdo like my sister well you are going to find you in this qiuz about what i just said soo are you ready

Created by: wwejax

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. so are you ready for the quiz?
  2. what do you do after school?
  3. are you good at school(no effect)
  4. how is life
  5. is this quiz any good
  6. are you having fun
  7. do you like books
  8. soo
  9. alomost done
  10. we are done
  11. favoruite resturant?

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Quiz topic: Am I cool smart or a werdo