Are You Cool Enough?

This quiz rates you on your ability to be cool and how it will affect how you are in life... It may not always be right but who knows give it a try and you might like it!

I wanted to show people that even though they will have doubts in their life maybe a quiz will show them that life is all about how you can over come what you are or who you are not and people need to understand that everyone is cool!

Created by: Raymond Lee
  1. What would you rather do in your spare time?
  2. Are you wealthy?
  3. What would you say in a store?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. How you doin?
  6. Do you do tobacco?
  7. Who would you rather be?
  8. What does your name start with?
  9. Body weight:
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I Cool Enough?