Are you fit to become an idol?

My quiz isn’t real, it’s up to you if you fit in the life of an idol or not...anyway I hope this didn’t affect you emotionally or in any way!! Please have fun and be positive of the outcome you may receive after this quiz, have a wonderful day or sweet dreams if it is night time :)

Please be aware that this only a quiz and is not an offensive game!! Remember that you are special even if you don’t fit in, sometimes you have your own way of doing things and we don’t all fit in :) plus!! Theirs plenty other people that are like you!! And maybe you can hangout with them!! I hope this quiz didn’t affect you anyhow :)

Created by: Pinkie
  1. Outfit?
  2. Age?
  3. Skin color?
  4. Weight?
  5. Height?
  6. Describe yourself
  7. Favorite color?
  8. Entertainment?
  9. Do you know Korean?
  10. Year of bday?
  11. Hair?

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Quiz topic: Am I fit to become an idol?
