are you awesome or not? 5th grade

Are you as cool as you think you are? Do people wanna be you? Or do they despise you? Fifth grade is hard so let's see how cool you can actually stay.

Find out if you are cool or not. Fifth grade only please mainly penn charter students also. Good luck. Toodleoo or bye or whatever! Cya at the end of the quiz!

Created by: amazon
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. How do you dress?
  3. Favorite thing to do
  4. What do you want to be when you grow up
  5. What devices do you have?
  6. Do you have steam
  7. Fav genre music
  8. Jdbcjdsjsfg
  9. Favorite shape
  10. Most annoying girls in pc

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Quiz topic: Am I awesome or not? 5th grade