Are you as cool as top??

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THIS IS TO SEE IF YOUR AS COOL AS ME i hvae to fill space so im going to slap my key bord ducnendcecnewhucbyecb ufuyc e ceyufceu icd ceioc e icd eceoi

lol sorry caps same with this ciecneoi ccoieceio cceocneicne ocicec creiocneioc ciocnc cionci firly plz give me back my imagines prems uereiuehfuerfie

Created by: top
  1. Are you a girl??
  2. Can you spell??
  3. Are you a bad b----
  4. Do you like EMO BOY
  5. do you sleep in mc night
  6. Did you get snapped
  7. do you stay up for 12 hours+
  8. do you like pink
  9. are you firends with top
  10. are you good at building

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Quiz topic: Am I as cool as top??

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