Are you an old person?

We all know an old person, we've all seen them blocking up pavements dressed for a polar expedition in the middle of the summer. But the question is, are you one too?

Could you drink endless cups of tea all day long? Or maybe you could spend your afternoons at a piss soaked afternoon tea dance? Take this simple test (in large print) and find out.

Created by: Mad Matt
  1. Who do you like on the Television?
  2. How many cats do you have?
  3. The post office opens at 9 o'clock, what time do you start queuing up for your pension?
  4. Where do you keep your life savings?
  5. When you were young was the area you are in now....?
  6. You decide to treat yourself, what do you buy?
  7. You decide to get some new wheels, what do you get?
  8. What is your dream holiday?
  9. What sort of music do you enjoy?
  10. Young people today.....?
  11. Do you smell vaguely of piss?

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Quiz topic: Am I an old person?