Are you an extrovert or an introvert???

Have you ever wondered if you are an introvert or an extrovert??? Well by taking this quiz you will find out! So grab your book, or a friend and get ready to find out what you are.

Extroverts would rather go to a big gathering with a lot of people, wheras introverts on the other hand usually just want to stay at home by themselves. None of them are bad, just unique to you.

Created by: Geneer27
  1. Which would you rather spend your day doing?
  2. Do you feel sad when alone?
  3. How many close friends do you have?
  4. How fast does it take you to make a friend?
  5. Do you have trust issues?
  6. Do you look forward to school/work?
  7. Where is your favorite place to go?
  8. Are you restless at night?
  9. Do you get nervous when talking to new people?
  10. Finally, did you like this quiz? (Won't effect your score.)

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Quiz topic: Am I an extrovert or an introvert???
