Are you an EPIC Fortnite gamer?

wow cool Nae Nae whip dab epic Fortnite moment dab skrrt dab epic hit or miss I guess they never miss huh I’m already tracer what about Winston no Winston trash

epic games was was was epic gamer wow cool epic neither dab skrrt skrrt dab epic Fortnite dab skrrt haha cool epic games dab epic gamer lit amirite fellow teens

Created by: Danksoda of Fortnite trailer
(your link here more info)
  1. John wick needs help. And he needs your mommy’s credit card, do you give it to him?
  2. Are you ever home alone?
  3. Who’s your fav Fortnite character?
  4. What type of candy do you like?
  5. John wick
  6. Tiktok
  7. Skull trooper
  8. Skrrt
  9. Hurry up so I can go home dammit
  10. She took the kids ron

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Quiz topic: Am I an EPIC Fortnite gamer?
