Are you an attention-seeking loser?

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There are lots of edgy people. Are YOU the edgester that everyone knows and hates? Are you the biggest edgelord known to man? Do you make people suicidal by looking at them? Find out!

Do you frequently post online about the edgy things you do? Do you frequently pretend life isn't worth living, like, at all? Do you wear all black and heavy eyeliner? Find out if you should!

Created by: Sergeant Pepe
  1. Do you feel upset when nobody cares about your posts on social media outlets?
  2. Do you consider yourself emo?
  3. How would you rank yourself in terms of friends?
  4. Do you post edgy things online?
  5. What is your sexual orientation?
  6. Do you like to go to school?
  7. Do you cut?
  8. Do you believe you have any mental illnesses?
  9. Do you ever have suicidal thoughts and constantly tell others about it?
  10. Final question: Do you think you'll pass this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I an attention-seeking loser?