Are you an animus quiz (WoF)

Hello! This is a quiz to help you figure out weather or not you’re an animus in Wings of Fire. I hope you’re going to enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it!

There are only two possible outcomes: Yes, or No. Yes means you are an animus, No means you are CERTAINLY not, or at least not really, there is no in-between on the quiz!

Created by: KACK FOREVER
  1. You’ve run into an animus! What do you do?
  2. Congrats, you’re in Jade Mountain Academy! Who do you talk to first?
  3. If you are an animus, what do you do with your power?
  4. What tribe are you from?
  5. Choose: Possibility or the Scorpion Den?
  6. Would you rather live on Pyrrhia or Pantala?
  7. You live on Pantala, and you see a LeafWing. How do you react???
  8. You’ve decided to write a book. What will you make it about?
  9. What would your friends describe you as?
  10. Final Question: What are you doing during quarantine?

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Quiz topic: Am I an animus quiz (WoF)

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