Are you actually a boy (AMAB only)

Most people identify with their birth gender, and those people are cisgender. However, there are quite a few people who do not identify with their birth gender and may not actually be male.

Are you wondering if you are actually a boy? Remember, your gender identity does not have much to do with a quiz score and a trans woman can easily score 60%.

Created by: NomalGyatFromOhio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are your pronouns (Remember, not all AMAB people use He/Him)
  2. Favorite color?
  3. What age did you realize you are trans?
  4. 1 being completely male and 10 being completely female, how do you identify?
  5. Who are you attracted to?
  6. rate star wars
  7. What percent of all the crushes you ever had are female?
  8. How clean is your room
  9. Are you sub-conscious about you weight?
  10. Someone goes up to you and asks "Are you a boy or a girl?". What do you say?

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Quiz topic: Am I actually a boy (AMAB only)