Are You A Yellowstone National Park Expert

Are you wolf and Yellowstone expert? Take this quiz to find out! tell me what you get in the comments. You'll know a lot about wolves when you take this quiz.

If you want to learn more about Wolves go to the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone! But I just tend to look stuff up. But I still went there to learn a lot about wolves.

Created by: FennecWolfie_Paw
  1. First of all, we've all heard of the jackrabbit with antlers. Those are actually pronghorn antlers. But what is this myth called?
  2. What are the 3 most common animals in Yellowstone?
  3. How wide is Yellowstone's famous supervolcano?
  4. I know this doesn't involve Yellowstone, but it's Italy. When was the last eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 2020
  5. What place in Yellowstone is known for the thousands of Bison?
  6. How many species is in Yellowstone?
  7. Which is NOT a subspecies of wolf?
  8. What's the most common wolf species?
  9. Which is NOT a type of wolf?
  10. How many Wolf Subspecies are there?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Yellowstone National Park Expert

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