Are you a witch, werewolf, vampire, or human?

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Are you any of these things? Let's find out by doing this cool quiz! I don't think it's accurate, but it is still fun! I hope you enjoy and hope you get the result you want! If not, it's fine! Try again some other time!

Hey, may I might as well repeat: if you don't get your wanted result, you can try again in the future and the result might be different, or otherwise, just dress up for your wanted result for this spooky Howlween! (Get it?)

Created by: @Sen_Si
  1. Would you call your teeth fangs more than teeth?
  2. Do you hate garlic?
  3. What do you prefer? Day or night?
  4. What result do you want?
  5. What's your favorite animal?
  6. Do you have a connection with the moon?
  7. Who is your favorite?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. What's your favorite food?
  10. Last and at least, do you have a connection with the earth? That's fine if you do, I do too, I don't know if that means I'm a witch for sure though.

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Quiz topic: Am I a witch, werewolf, vampire, or human?
