Are you a wings of fire fan?

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this quiz is to test you if you are a wings of fire fan, thereare not many questions, but you should know over half of them if you are de real fan!

always wondered if a wings of fire fan? want to brag about it with friends / other fans? take this short quiz! if liked, tell me in the comments (optional).

Created by: bAcon is good
  1. how many dragonets were in the original prophecy??
  2. what is the name of the academy that the dragonets created?
  3. what tribes did the original prophecy come from?
  4. what was one of the dragonets' names in the first prophecy?(seawing)
  5. what is the very first wings of fire book named?
  6. how many dragonets are in the 3rd prophecy?
  7. who is the writer?
  8. what is the name of the 7th book?
  9. how many dragonets are in the 2nd prophecy?
  10. are you a wings of fire fan?(has effect on de answer(chose wisely)

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Quiz topic: Am I a wings of fire fan?

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