Are You a Wimp or a Moron? From Wimpy Kid Books?

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There are lots of people who read book's. Mostly famous books, but have you read... Drumroll please... Diary of a wimpy kid? Have you?

If you have then this is for you. Are YOU a Wimp or a Moron? Find out in this marvellous quiz some of the questions are rubbish!!! I admit it! So, why not begin??! Are YOU a Wimp or a Moron?

Created by: Luca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you could have a friend out of these 4 people who would it be?
  2. Do random answers until number eleven?
  3. Pick one
  4. Again
  5. Once again-
  6. Keep going!
  7. Yes!
  8. Great
  9. Last question!!! Does wimpy kid have a website?
  10. BONUS QUESTION: in Hard Luck where did Meemaw accidentally put her diamond wedding ring? Hint: if you get this wrong you will get Max deduction points but if you get it right you will get max plus points or you can skip it for no effect.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Wimp or a Moron? From Wimpy Kid Books? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Literature Quiz category.