Are You a wierdo? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a wierdo?

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  • crummy quiz. if the quiz revolves around the word WEIRDO, then SPELL WEIRDO CORRECT!

    anime fruit
  • that wasn't a really good weirdo quiz.... that was an awkward person quiz.... but people say that I'm weird and awkward. cuz I am. ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.... ...... well then.... WE LIKE THE MOON! but not as much as a spoon. cuz that's more use for eating soup and a fork isn't very useful for that unless it has got many vegetables. then you might be better off with a CHOP STICK!!! we like the moon! (that's weird. if you know that song you're wierd. if you are one of the creatures that sings that song you're even weirder. anyways.... bye (c:

  • wierdos don't do stuff like that!!!they just do random crap all the time!!!how do I know?cuz I'm a REAL wierdo.crapy quiz!!!


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