Are you a white swan or a black swan? {last quiz, goodbye}

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I challenge you to read these whole two paragraphs. I bet you won't. At the second paragraph I left a message for you at least read that. This quiz took 9 hours out of my life. What a waste. Look at what we're doing people. I just changed my account password to something random so I won't be able to sign in again even if I wanted to. This was my covid hobby anyway. Goodbye go to quiz.

This isn't my first account so I've been here longer than it says (Severus Snape7). My message for all of you people is don't waste your time here, TURN TO ALLAH {GOD} BEFORE YOU RETURN TO HIM {DIE}. We all are going to be held accountable for how we wasted our time here, remember these words. Ask for forgiveness for the time you wasted here. May Allah guide you all.

Created by: her_pulse
  1. What’s your approach to meeting new people?
  2. How do you handle stress?
  3. Do you think you can handle public speaking?
  4. How do you react when someone hurts you?
  5. How do you handle compliments?
  6. You choose your daily outfits based on...
  7. Would you rather spend your vacation somewhere popular or somewhere calmer?
  8. At lunch in school, you see someone who looks anxious about where to sit. What do you do?
  9. Your close friend invited you to their house to hang out and you're kind of tired. What are you gonna do?
  10. During a group project at school, how do you contribute?
  11. When facing a tough decision you...
  12. Your dumb friend is struggling with their homework, what do you do?
  13. You're in a business meeting discussing how to solve a problem. Your dumb friend just shared a dumb idea, how are you going to react?
  14. If you see someone messing with your best friend, how do you react?
  15. And last but certainly not least, choose a quote you stand by:
  16. I left a message for you in the second paragraph of the introduction paragraphs. Please read it! I challenge you to read it.

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Quiz topic: Am I a white swan or a black swan? {last quiz, goodbye}

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