Are you a weirdo

Are you a weirdo? Take this test to see this test was made by a weirdo for weirdos so if you think this quiz is inaccurate tell me in the quiz question 11

Weirdos will rule the world someday and they will call earth weirdonia will you be ruler you will have to find out in the most awesomest most coolest quiz on weirdonia

Created by: Charlotte
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you eat things to get people's attention
  2. Do you keep a list of crushes
  3. Do you act like a nutter at home
  4. Do you do ask your friends to do impressions of your crush and then be all crazy
  5. Do your besties play truth or dare at lunch
  6. Are you a wanna-bee
  7. Would you rather Cake. Or. CANDY
  8. Do you think you are a weirdo
  9. Is this quiz awesome or what
  10. What's your fave food

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Quiz topic: Am I a weirdo