Are you a villain or a victim

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In this quiz you will be getting a quiz with 10 question to be answered. You will have to choose one out of two so make sure to pick right. P.S are you a villain or a victim.

So please pick what you think and not what other people think. This theme is under horror for english so please enjoy and have lots of fun with my quiz. Made by Genevieve

Created by: Genevieve
  1. If you saw a kitten would you pick it up are leave it??
  2. which of these colours would you prefer???
  3. If there was a car crash would you stop or drive by???
  4. If you saw some one drop money would you take it or give it back??
  5. If there was a fire would you save no one, one person or a lot of people???
  6. If saw a kid with a cut would you help her or walk past her??
  7. If you saw someone About to run away will you stop them or keep on going??
  8. If you saw someone cheating would you let them cheat or tell them off??
  9. If you saw a puppy on the road will you pick it up of leave it there??
  10. If you saw someone stealing money would you let them go or tell them off??

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Quiz topic: Am I a villain or a victim
