Are you a unicorn or a dragon?

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This quiz shows of you are a unicorn or a dragon and you should take it because it also kinda told about your personality and you will have a lot of fun doing this quiz so when you take make sure to leave a comment to tell me what you thought about this are you a unicorn or dragon quiz!

If you want to take a trip into fantasy tasks this wonderful quiz and have a great time taking it!! And it only has five questions! This will also help with your personality! -AmeliaL

Created by: AmeliaL
  1. Do you like to look at yourself everywhere you go and be beautiful or naw?
  2. Would you rather breath fire or no way!!
  3. Did you like this quiz?
  4. Would you be good or bad?
  5. Are you girly or not at all?
  6. Would you want someone to ride you?
  7. If you had a owner would you be nice or mean to it?
  8. Are you shy or not?
  9. Do you want wings a magical horn?
  10. Did you comment?

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Quiz topic: Am I a unicorn or a dragon?

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