Which Mythical Creature are You?

Have you ever compared yourself to a unicorn? Have you ever thought about whether you were more like a dragon or a faerie? Well, if you have, you'll have no problem wrapping your brain around the results of this quiz.

Which mythical creature are you? Are you loyal like a unicorn? Are you organized like a basilisk? Do you think like a nymph? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Nata
  1. You are at the mall when a tornado hits, you....
  2. What's your favorite color out of the list below?
  3. You see a young mother viciously robbed by gangsters and her baby thrown on the street. What do you do?
  4. What would you rather have?
  5. If you could have one super power, what would you choose?
  6. What job would you rather have?
  7. Which animal would you rather have?
  8. What facial feature would you rather have?
  9. What is your motto?
  10. What emotion would most likely be on your face at any time in the day?

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Quiz topic: Which Mythical Creature am I?