Are you a true Lilly Singh fan?

This is the perfect quiz to find out if you can be a strong part of TeamSuper or at the most a very special TRUE Lilly Singh fan! So, to be apart of such a loving team take this quiz to see if you can get accepted!

Are you a TRUE Lilly Singh fan, if so take this quiz to prove your smartness level or maybe just to remember all the facts that will improve your street cred by a million ! Good luck if you need it!

Created by: Amandeep R
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What buttery snack does Lilly Singh love?
  2. What is Lilly Singh's middle name?
  3. How many subscribers does she have on her main channel?
  4. What is Lilly Singh also know as?
  5. What is her favourite color?
  6. What comes after "You gotta say leh , she..." in her rap song Leh?
  7. Who is her wrestler friend that she has already met?
  8. Are you her baby unicorn?
  9. Where was she born?
  10. What is her fake mom and dad's name?
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Lilly Singh fan?