How well do you know 'A new sister'?

There are many people who know Trafford and Lilly back to front, just like me. Others haven't even heard of them, probably just like you. But the one who knows them most is the one who is challenging you.

Could you stand up to her? Could you prove that YOU know Trafford and Lilly as well as her? Until now it could just be one of your daydreams. But now, this quiz can tell you!

Created by: Danielle
  1. Who was doodling on paper?
  2. What does Trafford trail behind him?
  3. What did Sparkle have for breakfast?
  4. How many child seats were in the trolley?
  5. What colour were the pocket tissues that they found?
  6. What did Lilly say were horrible?
  7. What book did Oliver choose?
  8. Did they forget about the crisps they were promised?
  9. What is Sparkle playing with?
  10. What is the first item that Oliver checks off his list?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know 'A new sister'?