Are You a True KOTLC Fan?

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Hey! This is Icebreaker. This is a quiz that will tell you if you are a true Keeper of The Lost Cities fan. Please don't skip any questions and answer them HONESTLY!

I have to write another paragraph. This is lame. Hi, my name is Icebreaker and I am a hydrokenetic and bad and I have some more quizzes you can check out.

Created by: Icebreaker
  1. Would you/ have you read the series multiple times?
  2. Have you been shipping all the characters?
  3. Do you take ability quizzes all the time?
  4. Do you wish there was a "Lost Cities" world in Universal Studios?
  5. Do you like posting those "Texting Story" things on Pinterest or something like that?
  6. Are you despising quarantine and wishing you had a KOTLC book in front of you?
  8. Would you/ have you forgotten/ forget about the whole series after you read it?
  9. Do you have a "KOTLC Fan Table" that you sit at with your friends? Oh, wait. We can't be with our fiends right now! Fine, DID YOU, NOT DO YOU.
  10. Why did you take this quiz?
  11. Do you think you are a true KOTLC fan?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True KOTLC Fan?
