Are you a true dog lover?

This quiz is designed to see whether you are the next dog whisperer or whether dogs are really not for you. Are you up for this challenge? I really hope so!

do you think you know everything there id to know about dogs? the results will tell. this quiz contains a variety of questions to test your knowledge. Good luck!

Created by: anna hartman
  1. which dog breed is it illegal to own in the UK?
  2. How many teeth does an adult dog have?
  3. Which is the largest breed of dog?
  4. Which is the smartest breed of dog?
  5. True or false: dalmatians are born with their spots
  6. Which is the most popular dog both in the UK and US?
  7. what is the name of Wallace's dog?
  8. What is the average lifespan of a dog?
  9. what breed is the tallest dog in the world?
  10. how many toes do dogs have on their hind paws?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true dog lover?