are you a TRUE demigod?

want to find out if you really could be a demigod or if you are just tricked. Let's find out now. Have fun. Have a great day. Bye. have a good day. Your the best for taking this quiz. Pleas leave comments.

are you ready for this quiz to begin? If not, then get ready ro leave, your fate is already decided so why do you care to wonder??????????????????????

Created by: aeho
  1. Do you have ADHD/ADD/DYSLEXIA/something else
  2. If you don't have been diagnosed, answer this question, otherwise click the first box. Do you suspect you might have a diagnose?
  3. Do you have weird dreams?
  4. how old are you?
  5. do you feel watched?
  6. Do you have questions with certain animals easy?
  7. Do you notice things others don't seam to do?
  8. have weird things happen to you?
  9. how about your family?
  10. Do you have good reflexes?

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE demigod?
