Are you a true Boston sports fan?

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Are you a true Boston Sports fan? Many people have jumped on the Boston Bandwagon Because of all the success recently. Well there is something you should know...

You can test yourself or your friends to see if they are bandwagon fans or TRUE sports fans. How will you score? Find out in this easy quiz! But Beware Bandwagoners...This is harder then it looks!

Created by: Bob Higgns
  1. In what year did the Patriots go 16-0?
  2. How many NBA titles do the Celtics have?
  3. Who is the Football goat?
  4. Pick one of the players that play on the Patriots teams?
  5. What was the Redsox 2021 record?
  6. When was the LAST time the Bruins won the Stanley Cup?
  7. Do you live in New England
  8. When was the last time the Redsox finished in last place in the AL East?
  9. What sports team do you HATE most?
  10. Fill in the blank... Hands.. Touching Hands... Touching me!Touching yoooou! ____________
  11. Is this sentence Incredible?: Da Yankees lose 2021.

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Boston sports fan?
