Are you a Steve?

Steve is an adventurer, someone who travels the world. He has lots of fun and often meets new friends. Also, lots of people are true adventurers at heart.

Are YOU a true adventurer? Do you have the courage to qualify for such a title? Until now, you could only imagine. But now, theanks to rthis quiz, you can find out!

Created by: Dani
  1. Where is the best place to go on holiday?
  2. What activity would you prefer to do?
  3. Which type do you prefer?
  4. Which do you dislike the most?
  5. What's your favourite animal?
  6. Truth or Dare?
  7. What's your fave greeting?
  8. Are you aware???
  9. Have you ever run away?
  10. Do you play guitar?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Steve?