Are you a spoiled brat? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a spoiled brat?

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  • Working stiff. Hmmmmm. I'm more of a partier. I work but, not "stiff" :O ALL MY DIVERGENT FAN-GIRLS COMMET "STIFF"!

  • Lazy bum?! The only reason I didn't pay for my car is because my parents had it for 14 years then gave it to me. The only reason I don't have a job is because I live in a small town where people hardly get hired. And who wouldn't rather have their money given to them? Maybe you should spend your time doing research instead of making these awful quizzes.

  • You do realise that a lot on here are you teens that don't have cars/houses and you don't have an alternative option. Bad quiz I'm afraid. You should have put in a 'not old enough' option. And you know you can earn alot of money and not be spoiled so I think you are kind of jumping to conclusions there


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