Are you a Spirit Wolf, real Wolf, human or Wolflover?

Are you hiding the power of a Spiritwolf? Do you just love wolves? Are you a Real Wolf that transforms at full moon? Or are you a normal human? Take this quiz and find out!

In the following 13 question you will find out who you are! Please be honest! If you like the quiz then yay! This quiz is only for fun........ or is it? ( it is :P)

Created by: SpiritWolf556
  1. You see ( or smell) a Real Wolf! It is close and it does not seem to notice you. What do you do?
  2. What do you like to eat?
  3. How much do you like Wolves ?
  4. ~RP~ You are walking in the forest as a Wolf. You are a loner. You see 2 wolves in the distance. What do you do?
  5. Favorite pelt pattern
  6. Favorite color ( It had to be asked)
  7. What type of landscape do you like?
  8. Do you sometimes feel phantom ears tail or fangs?
  9. Ok now... Forest or your home?
  10. Dark or light colors?
  11. You are a alpha. What home do you choose
  12. How much did you like this quiz ( will not effect)
  13. Rate? Comment?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Spirit Wolf, real Wolf, human or Wolflover?
