Are you a sheeple?

There are many sheeple, but few non-sheeple. Being a sheeple after all is quite easy. Just do what you're told and eat all your store bought veggies to land yourself in this idiots utopia.

Are you a sheeple? Do you have the brainpower to come out of your coma? Until now, have you ever wondered just how sheepish you are? Thanks to this fun quiz you will find out!

Created by: heather
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is there a war in Iraq?
  2. Did your vote for president count?
  3. What is a GMO?
  4. Did/do you like publik school?
  5. Why was the Civil War fought?
  6. Do you believe the news?
  7. Who are God's chosen people?
  8. Is there a new world order?
  9. Do you use the internet to learn?
  10. Have you planted a garden?

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Quiz topic: Am I a sheeple?