are you a sectarian ?

sectarianism is a society-killer, so are u a sectarian ? take this quiz and see if you have an open minded way of thinking toward accepting others and their points of view

Are you a Sectarian ? do you think that those from another religions should be eliminated or not allowed to live in the nearby ? do you think that people of the same religion should live in the same area and never mingle with others? take this quiz to know more

Created by: fhrfhrht
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you be friend a guy/girl from another religion
  2. do you think that different religions are a source of conflicts?
  3. do you support relationships/marriage between people of different religions
  4. have you ever been in a relation with a guy/girl from a different religion
  5. have you ever had a crush on a guy/girl from a different religion or do you now have a crush on a guy/girl from a different religion ?
  6. if you answered yes to the previous question ,do you think that you could be together one day
  7. do you live in a sectarianism society
  8. do you follow and respect your society traditions and habits
  9. where do you live ?
  10. do you see yourself as a sectarian?

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Quiz topic: Am I a sectarian ?