Are you a scooter pro

Hope you do well in the quiz good luck. N n. B b.

I shor hope you are a smart peorson cause you will need it for this quiz it is pretty hard unless you are a scooter pro. B. B.

Created by: Zachary moir
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is envy a scooter brand
  2. Are skaters d#####
  3. Is there a move called an inward on a scooter
  4. Can someone do a triple backflip on a scooter
  5. Who set the world record of the silly willy/double front flip 360
  6. Is sacrifice the best brand of scooter in the world
  7. Is a Donna a one handed inward
  8. Has someone ever done a loop da loop on a scooter
  9. Is Ryan Williams from new zealand
  10. Can you buy clamps from scooter hut
  11. Can you buy clamps from scooter hut

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Quiz topic: Am I a scooter pro