Are you a scooter person, or a rollerblader?

Have you ever wondered what activity you like to do whn you play outside with friends? Do you always wonder around talking? Well, with my scooter or Rollerblade quiz, you can instantly find out! Then you know what you could do on that warm day, or cold fall morning!

What are YOU doing sitting around doing nothing? Why don't you do what your morale is telling you? Why stay outside doing nothing when you can be burning calories and having fun!

Created by: Kyrochimaru
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have rollerblades?
  2. Do you have a scooter?
  3. How much time do you spend on either one?
  4. Are you a slow person.
  5. Do you work out?
  6. Are you open-minded?
  7. Do you play sports?
  8. Do you have less than 10 friends in your class?
  9. Do you runaway from your feelings and your troubles?
  10. Do you sleep in?
  11. It's the end! Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a scooter person, or a rollerblader?