Are you a ROBOT?

There are many humans. In this 'world' but how many robots? Do you ever think about that? Do you even care? Well robots are found almost ANYWHERE! Where you think they aren't.They are. Look harder. Are you even a human?

This is just to see how many others are robots and can help me take over the worl...Wait what? I didn't say that! What are you talking about! I only said this is just to see how many other robots there are!

Created by: Jessica
  1. Do you make weird sounds?
  2. Do you ever correct someone like auto correct does?
  3. Are you ever super annoying?
  4. Do you ever talk about strange things?
  5. Do you like food?
  6. What do you like better?
  7. Are you 1 of a kind or are there more like you?
  8. Have you ever killed someone/something for no reason.
  9. What do like like to drink better?
  10. Favorite animal?
  11. Are you still there?

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Quiz topic: Am I a ROBOT?