Are you a rebel?

There are many big bikers, but few true rebels. Rebel is,afterall,quite exceptional.What is a rebel? A rebel is someone who would'nt read all this crap for s---t and would rather watch Mtv instead.

Are you a rebel? Do you have the tatoo to prove it? Thanks to this quiz be bored no f'ing more try my test today hard man!!! Thanks to this retarded little quiz that i made while stoned you will find out how rebel you actually are. Honestli i arnt veri goood aht spellin! :D Thanks for reading this gay paragraph i didn't even want to write but the computer made me do it :O shocking!,well anyway 'That's all folks'-(c) Bugs Bunny x

Created by: hj

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you been in a fight recently?
  2. Have you got a tatoo?
  3. Do you drink beer?
  4. Have you ever done drugs?
  5. Do you think you are tough?
  6. Do you own something in leather?
  7. Have you ever had s-- with a wh--e/prostitute?
  8. Do you own a motorbike?
  9. Do you like Guns 'n Roses (copyright)?
  10. Do you live with your mom but don't tell people?

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Quiz topic: Am I a rebel?