Are you a real Psych fan?

Are you a psych fan? AWESOME


Created by: Clara Jade
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How does Shawn (In the first episode) How does he tell the police how and who did it?
  2. If you were trying to solve a murder how would you do it?
  3. What's Juliet's last name?
  4. Whats Shawn's last name?
  5. Whats Gus's last name
  6. What's Lassiter's girlfriend's name?
  7. If you had to go undercover what costume would you chose?
  8. If a crime was committed at a bounce house place what would you do?
  9. In witch episode does Gus go crazy for candy?
  10. In witch season does henry Spencer get shot?

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Quiz topic: Am I a real Psych fan?