Are you a real gymnast?

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This quiz is a fun way to see if you act like a really gymnast. Its also a way to have lots of fun learning about you-self. plz plz plz like and comment on thins quiz

Sorry if you did not like the results of you quiz. Remember this is all fun and games so no need to quit gymnastics in you got 30%. plz plz like and comment

Created by: seria
  1. Do you do a needle kick when you pick something up?
  2. Do you have more sports where then you do normal cloths
  3. is your hair always down
  4. DO you like to where dresses
  5. Do you like to wear nail polish
  6. are you the leg hold champion at school?
  7. are your hands perfect or messed up?
  8. can you hold a handstand
  9. Do you always have perfect form
  10. Where do you do gymnastics

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Quiz topic: Am I a real gymnast?
