Are you a real army?

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Just go woth the flow guys! I will ask you fairly easy question about bts members. There aren't many hard ones here..... Just tap on the answer you think is correct!!

Sooooooo, all the best!! Love you guys a lot and thanks for taking my quiz! Again! It's okay if you don't get the best of results, you will keep of getting to know bts more.

Created by: Yenie
  1. How old was jungkook when he came to BigHit Entertainment??
  2. Yoongi's parents were :
  3. RM is a fan of :
  4. Which of the following is a bts show?
  5. When is J-hope's birthday?? 🤗
  6. Who is the most handsome in bts??
  7. Which of the following is Jimin-ssi's iconic line
  8. What was taehyung's father's occupation
  9. Which is a lyric sung by jin??
  10. Do u hate bts
  11. Which year did bts debut in??
  12. Has bts went through the 7 years curse??

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Quiz topic: Am I a real army?
