Are You a Real?

Some people are real to themselfs and are true friends, but some are a** holes. Take the test see if your real or just a a** hole. Don't walk away, test your skills and see if your real. You may find out something new about yourself.

Are you real, well we won't know until you take the test. It only takes a few mins. So stop fakein and take the test how many times do I have to say it. If you don't, then your not real at all. Your just a loser.

Created by: Dominique of Sexyblack
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you bad mouth your friends to other?
  2. You like a hot girl/guy, but that person dates your best friend. Would you still try to holla?
  3. Your friend brokes up with their lover. Would you....
  4. You see your friends lover naked, Would you....
  5. Your crazy about someone at work/school, but you find out that your buddy is trying to holla. What would you do?
  6. Your parents are out of town, but your friend wants to have a big crazy party at your place. You...
  7. Your friend is cheating on his/her lover and you know about it. You don't like what your friend is doing so you....
  8. Your friend ask you to help them with some homework, but you have a big exam coming. You...
  9. Your friend sleeps with your lover, but you and your friend said a guy/girl would never come between you two. What would you do?
  10. Do you go around telling people your real.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Real?