Are you a popular or a nerd

Are you cool and layback with alot of friends? Or are you smart and the teacher's pet? If you wanna find out, take the are you a popular or a nerd quiz! ^ยท^

Remember: nerds can be cool too! If you get nerd, it doesn't mean anything! Your still cool! What do you what do think you'll get?Find out if your right!

Created by: Tori
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First Question, do you get good grades?
  2. Do you like to read?
  3. What do your teacher's think of you?
  4. How many friend's do you have?
  5. What do those friend's think of you?
  6. Your parents tell you to spend some time on the computer you end up doing...
  7. Your at home and it's a Saturday afternoon, what do you find your self doing?
  8. How do you usually walk into school?
  9. Do you get bullied???
  10. Ya like this quiz?
  11. Are you a boy or a girl?
  12. Last question, What do you think you are???

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