Are you a Panic! At The Disco fan?

Well i was bored and i was listening to one of their songs and got inspired!! lol

Let's see if your a P!ATD fan!!! :)

Created by: skittles_96
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which video has people with their heads in fish tanks and fish swimming around them?
  2. Do you agree that Brendon Urie is SEXY!!!!!!!
  3. Do you want brendon and ryan to get together???
  4. Are you okay with the fact that they split up?
  5. Are you going to rate this quiz?
  6. Are you going to check out some of their videos?
  7. How tall is Brendon?
  8. Will you rate this quiz???
  9. Squirell!!!(no effect)
  10. Ready to see your results?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Panic! At The Disco fan?